December 30, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: game library project

BYTEPATH is a shoot-em-up with tons of classes to spec into and and a massive passive skill tree.This isn't a genre I usually jive with very well. All the bright colors and super fast pace have me losing the player character, and I never do well. BYTEPATH is no different, sadly. I'm just not good at this genre. This one has controller support, but it doesn't seem to work with analogue sticks and just does not feel good with the d-pad. Luckily I only spent like 40 cents on this. Not for me.

Verdict: Uninstall

Part of the Game Library Project




My name's Mike, and this is the Lore Depository - my spot online where I can write out my thoughts on games, books, tech, history, and anything else I find interesting. 

Content comes mainly in 3 forms:
Reviews, where I post longer-form writeups
Thoughts, short & quick first impressions posts
Guides, detailed how-tos and walkthroughs

Click the links to go to each category's page, filtered by newest post.

My biggest project is my Game Library Project. I have a ton of games collected throughout the years, and have barely played any of them. Check out the linked post to learn more about the project, and click here to be taken to the category page where you can see all my posts for the project.