
February 5, 2024 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: game library project

Vanquish is a game that's been on my radar for a long, long time but I've never picked up or acquired in a bundle or anything. It was recently on sale on the Playstation Store, so I picked it up and gave it again.

So far, it's living up to its reputation as a crazy fast-paced shooter. The story is complete nonsense, and there are some weird framerate drops, but I'm having good fun with it. I'm still coming to grips with the movement system - I don't feel like I'm really taking advantage of everything on offer - but the combat feels really good already.

I know this is a really short, linear game, so I'm probably just going to blast through it this week. Hopefully the rest of the game stays strong. I just beat the first boss which I think finished Act 1, and I'm pretty sure there are 5 Acts. Cool game, definitely a hallmark of late PS3 games. Established developers don't really make games like this anymore.

Verdict: Keep Playing

Part of the Game Library Project




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