Blood of Amber review

January 21, 2024 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: reviews

Merlin still isn't as cool as Corwin was, and this book, like the first in this sequel series, doesn't capture the magic of the first series. Merlin is a little bland and some of his decisions are a bit dumb. It's still a good read, fast-paced and full of action, but this set of books doesn't feel strictly necessary.Lots of twists and turns, and the world Zelazny has built is really interesting. Zelazny's got a really unique, very readable writing style, and these books are so short and quick it's hard not to get caught up in them.




My name's Mike, and this is the Lore Depository - my spot online where I can write out my thoughts on games, books, tech, history, and anything else I find interesting. 

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