Guardians of the Galaxy review

November 4, 2023 - Reading time: 2 minutes - Category: reviews

Guardians of the Galaxy is a solid third person action game. It retains a lot of the humor from the Marvel movies without becoming too overbearing. Dialogue between party members is snappy and often endearing, and the story surprised me quite a bit with some genuinely touching moments, especially near the end.You can tell a lot of care went into the game. Bits of lore are sprinkled around the world, all entirely optional. The graphics look pretty good, but there were some framerate issues that disappointed me considering I played on PS5 on Performance mode. These weren't gamebreaking at all, I feel like I shouldn't be seeing stutters. Environments are vibrant and intersting, especially when you're traveling on-planet and not cooped up in a ship.

The soundtrack is excellent, as expected from the franchise, but those are easy points as the game relies mostly on licensed classic rock. Similarly, the voice acting is very good, but those familiar with the movies may be thrown off just a bit,

The combat is fun, but can become a little one-note. You only control Star-Lord directly, and he's equipped with dual pistols and a melee attack. You eventually unlock elemental damage and 4 abilities, but Star-Lord himself can feel a bit underwhelming. The bulk of the combat is in timing your companion's ability cooldowns to create combos. It's fun, but gets a bit wearying towards the end.

The game took me roughly 15-17 hours to beat. It's a solid game, similar to the Uncharted games. If you're a Marvel fan, it's well worth a play and regularly goes on sale for $15-20.




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