Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe review

March 4, 2023 - Reading time: 2 minutes - Category: reviews

Last week I gave my thoughts on Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe, a Switch port of a 2011 Wii game. I've now finished the game and my thoughts remain largely the same.

The Kirby levels are fun, if a little simple. There's not much challenge on hand unless you try to 100% the game - I collected about half of the games 120 energy spheres and didn't feel a need to go back and replay any levels. The themes of the Kirby levels are a bit uninspired - woods level, desert level, ice level, etc, but the graphics are nice and the game runs well. The 5 main Kirby will take a few hours to beat, and then there are 2 more levels with a few stages each and a final boss. 

After beating the final boss, you unlock the Magalor Epilogue, the real value of this Switch port. Magalor plays completely different from Kirby, lacking his jump and copy abilities. Instead, Magalor wields magic you can upgrade using points gathered from exploration and killing enemies. There are about two dozen Magalor stages with no collectibles in them, so they run a bit shorter than the Kirby levels. That said, they are fun and the changed-up gameplay is a breath of fresh air. 

I'm not sure if the Magalor Epilogue is worth rebuying this game if you've already played the Wii original, but I've never played that one so I feel like I got a solid value out of this roughly 10 hour adventure. You can probably tack on a couple more hours if you go for 100% - there's also a boss rush arena and a few multiplayer modes. 




My name's Mike, and this is the Lore Depository - my spot online where I can write out my thoughts on games, books, tech, history, and anything else I find interesting. 

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