The Red Knight review

February 19, 2024 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: reviews

The Red Knight is an excellent Medieval fantasy. Nobody does authentic Medieval better than Miles/Christian Cameron. Prior to this I've read the Tom Swan serialized series by him, and while this novel has a fantasy element that Tom Swan lacked, it retains the authenticity and painstaking descriptions of armor, weapons, and battles.

It seems like every book I've read lately features a siege front and center. The Red Knight is no different, with a siege taking about 80% of the screen time. Like David Gemmell, Cameron does it well. The writing here is less mythic than Gemmell's, the characters more human and the world more grounded. It's really well done, though sometimes the descriptions of the armor can be a bit much.

This is a great start to a series, and the captain is a really compelling character. I'm a sucker for mercenary bands, and really enjoy the time periods Cameron likes to cover (even in fantasy). Good stuff.




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