Thoughts on It's Always Sunny Season 16 Episodes 1 and 2

June 13, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: thoughts

It's Always Sunny is, hands down, my favorite show of all time. Especially the first 10 or so seasons. And while later seasons have definitely lost some of what makes the early seasons so special, they're definitely still enjoyable and Season 16 seems, so far, a return to form.

I really like the episodes where the gang hangs out in small, familiar locations. The trips to Ireland and other not-Philly locations didn't really do it for me, so I was happy to see these two episodes stay mostly in staple locations. The revelation that Charlie's apartment is actually a 2 bedroom was really funny - I've always like the Frank-Charlie scenes the best.

Episode 2 was also mostly a hit for me. Mac's personality has started to grate on me in recent seasons, and that continues here, but his plotlines were held up by the rest of the characters, especially Charlie and his mom. The Frank plotline was alright, but nothing special. The amount of plastic surgery some of them have gotten and the studio-type lighting they've started using has taken something away from the show for sure, but it's definitely still worth watching.




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