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Dungeon Crawler Carl review

| Reading time: ~1 minute

Dungeon Crawler Carl is a really fun novel, and a really fun base for the rest of the series to build on. I don't read many LitRPG novels or progression fantasy, but the hype around this series sucked me in, and it mostly lived up to the hype.
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The Last of Us Part 1

| Reading time: ~1 minute

The Last of Us is one of the few major Sony franchises I haven't played. I watched my brother play most of it way back on the PS3, but I never played the original release myself, nor the PS4 remaster. This remake of the remaster came free with my graphics card, so I'm finally giving it a shot.
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Of War and Ruin review

| Reading time: ~1 minute

Another great entry in the series, full of action, character development, and world building. If you liked the previous novels, you'll like this one, though it's maybe a bit too long for its own good.
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Max Payne 3

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Max Payne isn't a series I've played in the past, but it's always been on my radar. With the news that the first game is being remade, I decided to take a look at the third game in the series, which is pretty standalone in terms of the story and developed by Rockstar.
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The Last Flame

| Reading time: ~1 minute

I never do this, but The Last Flame was recommended on my Steam front page, and I bought it on impulse. I've never played an autobattler, but I like the concept - simple gameplay focused around builds and items instead of fast-paced reflexes. I've done one run so far and enjoy it.
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Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - Remastered

| Reading time: ~1 minute

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered is an upgraded version of the original PS3. I think I played a little bit of it back then, but now that it's been released on PS Plus as a monthly game, I decided to give it another try.
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My name's Mike, and this is the Lore Depository - my spot online where I can write out my thoughts on games, books, tech, history, and anything else I find interesting. 

My biggest project is my Game Library Project. I have a ton of games collected throughout the years, and have barely played any of them. Check out the linked post to learn more about the project, and click here to be taken to the category page where you can see all my posts for the project.

Other content comes mainly in 3 forms:
Reviews, where I post longer-form writeups
Thoughts, short & quick first impressions posts
Guides, detailed how-tos and walkthroughs

Click the links to go to each category's page, filtered by newest post.